Driving Retail Multi Channel Consumer Behavior
In the world of Digital marketing, all of the rules have changed.
Identifying, captivating and engaging the consumer today has never been more complex, or more important. Today’s consumer gets her information through media formats and channels that are shifting continuously and that have changed the traditional notions of marketing.
The consumer’s buying decisions are now conveyed and shaped instantly, the consumer’s expectations for product information, availability and value have changed dramatically forcing seismic shifts in marketing methodology; this, in turn has created the need to react and respond to consumer retail multi channel buying patterns and marketing campaigns in ultra-real time.
The Grayson Company Team has significant experience in developing, and managing the complex Marketing strategies, techniques and tactics that cut across multiple disciplines and channels. These include all forms of Advertising media, Omni-Channel web tools, Social Media, Direct Marketing and Catalogs, as well as Geo-Fencing techniques.
Our approach to marketing also utilizes database marketing tools, as well as consumer research and behavioral models to capture customer behavior and to drive consumer demand.
Our approach to marketing also utilizes database marketing tools, as well as consumer research and behavioral models to capture customer behavior and to drive consumer demand.